Friday, November 28, 2014

Tricks if you wish

Now first of all, ALL rats can learn tricks even if they are happy or lazy. :) It depends on what you mean by tricks I'm going to talk about tricks like spin and stuff, not litter training etc (that will be in a separate post).
Now, all rats like treats, with some you may be able to give them praise, but you're probably giving your rats bags of praise already. So we will lean toward the amazing treat. I have a blog post for good treats, in the post I believe I said something about a homemade treat, my next post is going to be the recipe. I usually use oats though because they are smaller and can be given more so more time for tricks :D Here's an example of what I do...

 "Ginger spin! (me holding the piece of oat over her head in circling motions.) Wobble. spin. Ginger spinning.  Yay! Click! (sound of clicker) and gives treat immediately after that. Nibble nibble"

They can catch on quite fast and within a few sessions its likely they would have the trick mastered it for sure depends on the rat. don't push them. Start out with just 15 minutes or less however hyper the rat is (females tend to be hyper  and males lazy"  so like I said it depends on the rat. Start out with a lil time and add until there patience is kinda done. Once you have done that subtract a few minutes and that will be the time span of your training session. Their patience should grow a bit but for now keep it sweet and short.

Coming up next: Some tricks to learn

P.S I LOVE COMMENTS!!! Write anything you would like to know about rats, Its likely that I would just answer back in a post to give you the jig. I'm not busy so questions bring it on.

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