Friday, January 31, 2014


As you probably know there are all different kinds of treats at the petstore for your rats. But, if you are only getting the treats so you can teach them tricks that can be expensive. So i am going to make a list of things that are cheap or already in your house! :)

  1. Plain oats are really good as treats! they are healthy, they are so cheap, and they are bite sized for your rats! Oats are perfect to teach them tricks or just to give them a treat once in a while.
  2. Dog biscuits are cheap, you may already have them at your house if you have a dog. And its also good to keep there teeth down.
  3. I have my own special treat recipe that I invented myself, I will make an article about that very soon! :) You should not give your rats these following things, 1. Milk, rats are actually lactose intolerant so no dairy products which means no yogies! ( in my nutrition article there is a list of foods they can not have.
  4. You can also just buy all of those treats u can get from the pet store Just make sure they have no Milk, Alfalfa ( rats cant digest alfalfa ) and corn.
More posts coming soon!

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